Compañia de Café

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To this day, I still think of you, I still miss you. I still reminisce of what could’ve been. We only had each other for a very short time.  Watching something new come in to the very same spot where you left your heart here for us. La tristesa es that la misma gente que no apoyaban, les dara exito al fulano de tal. Esta realización, como me choca. There’s a thin line between being a chingona & being a chillona. Balancing both, here I am, standing on Maclay Ave, looking at your beautiful old tile through the large glass windows that will soon look into something else. Sin corazón, sin el cariño, sin confianza….

Just know, your attempt alone was enough.

And to anyone who feels like they’re running on fumes,

like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel,

like giving up or not even starting:

Hecha le ganas, yo te apoyo.


I’m on your side, always.

Mi querida raza.

Mi querido Valle del San Fernando.

Jamás se rajen.


Your Homegirl
